Monday, June 27, 2011

Funs of the Cracow

The best time to visit in krakow Poland is spring and summer. Why? Becouse of many festivals that are oranised during this time. Among those, that can not to be ignorated must be replaced Misteria Paschalia. This festiwal is helding in April. This is also a time of Lend, so which promotes reflection.
At the same time all ciemna entusiasts can take part in OFF Plus Camera and meet brillant filmmakers and watch independent films. Very oriental and amazing event is Jewish Culture Festiwal in June. All fans of music must be in Cracow Turing coke live music festiwal with brillant band and singer from different country. The most popular among students is Juwelnalia- a big party during a few days with concerts, competitions. It is amazing experience. So, all the members of this event could take it easy. They can get into they by tramp or bus- the public transport krakow are work enough good. As you can guess, the most of this finish late at night- now you must take a night bus. Krakow festiwal is a ideal choice. So if you like spend great time we invite you.