Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cutlure in Cracow

The best time to visit in krakow Poland is spring and summer. Why? Becouse of many festivals that are oranised during this time. Firt offert is for fans of old, classic music- it is called Misteria Paschalia. The fistival is dedicated to old music and is orgnaised during Lent.
In this month helding OFF Plus Camera, prestigious event for all fans of ciemna. Is a great Chance to meet famous directors and see independent film productions. A great occasion to get to know Jewish culture is Jewish Cultre festiwal in June. All fans of music must be in Cracow Turing coke live music festiwal with brillant band and singer from different country. But all of fans of having fun and party should take part in Juwenalia- the students festival. It is full of music, young people and amazing stores. How you can get into the place of festiwal? Don?t worry, the public transport krakow should not let tem down. If you could stand till the night you can back to hotel with night bus. Krakow festiwal is the great occasion to to combine business with pleasure. What more could you want?